
- About
- Duration
C and C++ are powerful programming languages widely used for software development. C, created in the 1970s, is a procedural programming language known for its efficiency and low-level programming capabilities. It serves as the foundation for many other languages and is commonly used in system programming.
C++, an extension of C, introduces object-oriented programming features, adding classes and objects to enhance code organization and reusability. Developed in the 1980s, C++ is widely used in application and game development, as well as systems programming. Both languages are essential for building a wide range of software applications, from embedded systems to high-performance applications, due to their speed, flexibility, and close-to-hardware capabilities.
Length : 60 Hours
Course Content
- Introduction to Software and Classification
- System Software
- Types of Operating System
- Types of Programming Languages
- Translators
- Desirable Program Characteristics
- Programming Techniques
- Introduction to C
- History of C Language
- Characteristics of C language
- Flavors of C Language
- The C character set
- Identifiers and Keywords
- Data types
- Constants
- Variables and Arrays
- Declarations
- Expressions
- Statements
- Symbolic Constants
- Operators
- Arithmetic Operators
- Unary Operators
- Relational and Logical Operators
- Assignment Operators
- The Conditional Operator
- Bitwise Operators
- Standard Input and Output Functions
- Library Functions
- Single Character Input – The getchar Function
- Single Character Output – The putchar Function
- Entering input Data – The scanf Function
- More about the scanf Function
- Writing Output Data – The printf Function
- More About the printf Function
- The gets and Puts Function
- Interactive (Conversational) Programming
- Preparing and Running a Complete C Program
- Planning a C Program
- Writing a C Program
- Compiling and Executing the Program
- Error Diagnostics
- Debugging Techniques
- Control Statements
- Unconditional Uncontrolled Statements
- Conditional Controlled Statements
- Conditional Uncontrolled Statements
- Low Level Programming
- Number Systems
- Bitwise Operators
- Applications of Binary Systems
- Functions
- Introducing Functions
- Defining a Function
- Accessing a Function
- Function Prototype
- Passing Arguments to a Function
- Recursion
- Nested Functions
- User Defined Header Files
- Function Calls
- Memory Organization
- Understanding Memory Concepts
- Storage Classes
- Automatic Variables
- External (Global) Variables
- Static Variables
- Multi File Programs
- Register variables
- Pointers
- Fundamentals
- Introduction to Memory
- Pointer Declarations
- Operations on Pointers
- Void Pointers
- Passing Pointer to Functions
- Function returning pointers
- More about Pointer
- Passing Pointer Parameters to Functions
- Call by References
- Arrays
- Introduction
- Array Declaration
- Array initialization
- Single Dimension Arrays
- Pointer and Arrays (Single Dimension)
- Array of Pointers
- Initialization a 2-Dimensional Arrays
- Three Dimensional Arrays
- Working with Pointers and Multidimensional Arrays
- Strings
- Introduction to Strings
- Standard String Library Functions
- Arrays and Strings
- Pointer and Strings
- Function and Strings
- Dynamic Memory Allocation
- Introduction To Macros
- Macro Substitution
- Macros with arguments
- File Inclusion
- Macro Testing
- ANSI Additions
- Structures and Unions
- Declaring a Structure
- Processing a Structure
- Type def
- Array of Structures
- Structures and Pointers
- Passing Structures to Functions
- Self Referential Structures
- Unions and Structures Differences
- Uses of Structures
- Enumerations
- Data Files
- File Formatted I/O Functions
- Opening and Closing File
- Creating a Data File
- Processing a Data File
- Unformatted Data File
- Random Access Files
- Command Line Parameters
- Discussion on a Mini Project
- Introduction to Software and Classification
- System Software
- Types of Operating System
- Types of Programming Languages
- Translators
- Desirable Program Characteristics
- Programming Techniques
- Basics of C++
- History of C++ Language
- Characteristics of C++ language
- C++ tokens
- Identifiers and Keywords
- Data types
- Constants
- Variables and Arrays
- Declarations
- Expressions
- Operators in C++
- Mathematical Operators
- Relational Operators
- Logical Operators
- Assignment Operators
- Compound Operators
- Conditional Operators
- Increment/Decrement Operators
- Insertion Operators
- Extraction Operators
- Scope-Resolution Operators
- Pointer to member Operators
- Memory management Operators
- Manipulators
- Type caste Operator
- Structure of C++
- Control Structures
- Sequence Structure
- Simple If
- If..else
- If..else ladder
- Nested if
- Selection Structure
- Switch statement
- Loop Structure
- For loop
- While loop
- Do..while loop
- Functions
- Returning values from functions
- Reference arguments
- Overloaded function
- Inline function
- Default arguments
- Returning by reference
- Pointers
- Fundamentals
- Introduction to Memory
- Pointer Declarations
- Operations on Pointers
- Void Pointers
- Passing Pointer to Functions
- Function returning pointers
- More about Pointer
- Passing Pointer Parameters to Functions
- Call by References
- Introduction to OOPs
- Need for Object Oriented Programming
- Programming characteristics of object oriented languages
- Basics concepts of OOPs
- Object
- Class
- Data encapsulation
- Data abstraction
- Inheritance
- Polymorphism
- Data binding
- Message passing
- Classes and Objects
- Syntax of Class
- Creation of Object
- Accessing members of the class
- Constructors and Destructors
- Concept of Constructor
- Characteristics of a constructor
- Types of constructor
- Use of destructor
- Operator Overloading
- Overloading unary operator
- Overloading binary operator
- Inheritance
- Concept of inheritance
- Derived class and based class
- Derived class constructors
- public and private inheritance
- Types of inheritance
- Program deployment
- Virtual Function
- Virtual Function
- Friend function
- Static function
- This pointer
- Polymorphism
- Concept of polymorphism
- Compile time polymorphism
- Run time polymorphism
- Function overloading
- Templates
- Concept of templates
- Class template
- Function template
- Exceptions
- Concept of exceptions
- Try,catch,throw keywords